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The Forever Mary Solar Window Candle
Beyond Home Decor
Home Automation and Home Security
That lit the Way
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With Batteryless Technology, Live a Batteryless Life and Create a More Beautiful World Click Here
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Save 100 percent on your Contactless Hand Sanitizer and Paper Towel Dispensers with our batteryless self regenerating systems using indoor lighting via our Exclusive Prism Solar Panels on unit or via light fixture free energy systems using our Powerbank system
Save 25-50 percent energy on your Commercial and Industrial baler,conveyor,etc systems
Residential systems can make your old washing machine as energy efficient as a new model
Go to our video gallery for a sample of what is possible
AttractionNAction Inc. is taking a bold green step forward by offering the safest and most efficient batteryless technology that combines solar energy recharging with graphene supercapacitor power storage through the use of our exclusive graphene-coated magnetic technology: patented magnetic connectors, magnetic disconnects, and magnetic switches.
Our Mission:
Our main mission is to reduce battery pollution by using our patented graphene-coated magnetic connectors, magnetic switches, and magnetic disconnects along with solar energy and graphene supercapacitor technology. AttractionNAction Inc. provides stackable graphene supercapacitor power packs and Magnetic Power Cells to replace lead and lithium-ion batteries used in many devices and vehicles. We offer better power storage at a lower cost with a lifespan that is 7 times longer and a charge rate that is measured in minutes instead of hours. We provide an efficient and powerful solution to battery pollution. No Batteries. No Wires. No Limits.
We never design for the dump!
We actually use Humankind Waste to help clean the planet and make useful power from the carbon throwaways
AttractionNaction Incorporated looks to take the negative that humans create and turn it into a positive power source for good. The negative being the tons and tons of garbage produced daily.Because 90 percent of these materials are carbon based they can be turned into graphene and used in a positive way in so very many ways not just one
Our primary focus shall always be to clean the planet and at the same time get very positive power using nature's gifts such sunlight and wind and even indoor wasted lighting as generating sources using simple 5 component booster circuitry
Just as a factory works it's waste to make money so should we as good citizens of this home of ours
AttractionNAction Inc. provides stackable graphene supercapacitor power packs and Magnetic Power Cells to replace lead and lithium-ion batteries used in many devices and vehicles. We offer better power storage at a lower cost with a lifespan that is 7 times longer and a charge rate that is measured in minutes instead of hours. When charging a MPC with another MPC the measured time is in 30 seconds.An example of this is our Solar MPC that is a solar panel with a integrated MPC that is constantly charged therefore the charge is dumped instead of building power up gradually through conventional means of charging.Our technology goes beyond conventional.We provide an efficient and powerful solution to battery pollution. No Batteries. No Wires. No Limits.
Secondary Mission:
The mission behind the mission
➢ Provide clean drinking water to areas of the world where it is not available by drilling wells and using solar-powered water pumps.
➢ Provide education to areas of the world where schooling is not available by building small Amish-type schools that are solar-powered and use LED lighting so that community events can occur at night.
➢ Protect the rain forest with all of its beneficial plants to mankind and amazing unique animals
Fellow Inventors Mission
We have had many inventors come to us to help bring their inventions to life after being ripped-off by Invention-Help Companies
Our Patented Self Sufficient Totally Automatic Electric Car Charging Station Without Cords which will work beautifully with future autonomous vehicles We are the Future Of Connectivity Not only between devices But between Humanity and Nature Magnetics to a different Magnitude using our Patented beveled graphene coated magnetic connectors along with our Patented Rocket Graphene Coated Magnetic Plug and Receptacle for the safest electric plug on the planet with never any exposed shock hazards as are traditional units on the market.
Our Batteryless and Wireless Gaming Devices
Our Self Sufficient Totally Automatic Drone Recharging Station taking our patented graphene coated magnetic connectors to a different magnitude
while remembering these key factors
Company Of Balance
By helping us help people help the planet we help people have a better future and our
story never ends by doing so.
Our Company Of Balance between Nature and Humankind bringing Kindness back to HumanKind
To be a Firefly for those in darkness to never know total darkness and know a way out on the back of a Firefly of hope
Journey Of Yay
To not only provide clean drinking water but seeds for food
To not only provide schooling but education of the natural ways of healing through Native American herbs
To provide earth friendly transportation to schoolhouses by way of horse and buggy
To not kill horses because they can no longer be used for racing but give them a purpose as well
To help save the rain forest with all its beneficial plants to mankind
Thanks for your support
Smart solutions are at the core of all that we do at Batteryless4Good. Our main goal is finding smart ways of using technology that will help build a better tomorrow for everyone, everywhere. Click Here Our Patent Click below to learn more about the technology behind our Technology Company, or get in touch to set up a meeting with one of our representatives.
Company Conference Call Line
Key Code# 722 9803
"Big results require big ambitions"
In Touch With The Real World In Real Time Working On Real Impact
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3205 NW 83rd Street
Apt 1312-A
Gainesville,Florida 32606-6229